Friday, February 25, 2011

As Sure as the Sun Rises and the Rains Come...

“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength…”
– Isaiah 30:15

This verse just might be the epitome of this past week for Chelsea and me. Due to varying circumstances, we have spent much of this past week in quiet contemplations by ourselves. As we’ve been quietly reading, praying, studying, talking, memorizing, sleeping, processing, and the like, we have become very sober and humble. We have been holding ourselves up against the life of our Lord and finding many areas wanting. 

“Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.”
– Psalm 139:23-24

Repentance has been the result, and we are driven to rest in Him alone; then we find Him working out our assurance of salvation and our boldness of spirit.  Despite our attempted solitude, we find a constant barrage of unexpected situations, wrong understandings, and future unknowns assailing us. We are learning every day to walk with a quiet, trustful spirit in which the Lord and His communications are our only dependence. Bless the Lord for the loneliness—mixed with constant demands—we are facing here. Without it I would not have to face these tests.

How can you help but loving the family here? See:

(RAR!!! It's Nethan the Ghost!!!)
(Q: Who's scaring who?)

What have we been doing here?

Last Friday we were informed in the morning that we would be accompanying Pastor David to see the final day of a literacy training program. Something in us told us to dress up a little even though we were expecting to go to a village. Low and behold as we were driving through Nellore in David’s Jeep, we stopped at the local Salvation Army campus and had their two Majors (heads of that division of the Army) join our travel. Then we pulled up in front of a large Catholic education center where we were ushered into the office of the presiding Father of the church/school.  There we met a Sister (who has become very dear to our hearts even in that short visit) and were introduced by the Father to a stately man: the Bishop of Nellore. After a brief visit the entire party moved to join the closing ceremony of the literacy training program (where several hundred teachers have been receiving materials and instruction). We met several other prestigious people and were ushered a seat in the front of the room where we could observe everything taking place and be observed fully by everyone. Fortunately, we don’t think Pastor David told them we were coming, so we were spared any gift receiving or speeches. However, we did sing for everyone and help hand out awards. It is wonderful to see so many people working together to see this helpful program move forward; we do wish we could have seen it from a less conspicuous position ;) but like I said above, we are learning to walk in quietness and trust in every unexpected situation. Following the ceremony, we joined the Bishop and S.A. officers for a delicious lunch—the first one we have been at where everyone used silverware. I chatted happily with the Bishop through much of the meal and with the Majors during the traveling. Praise the Lord that we are all, in truth, “nobodies” and can interact without fear with any human beings: for it is God alone who is great.
 (Attending the Literacy Training Program's closing ceremony)

Saturday was a flurry of activity here at home base. About 40 workers came to the church yard to assist in pouring the slab for the roof of the parsonage. Half again as many people were there as most of the Dayasagar relations took the day off from work or school to witness the great event.  We all prayed and conducted an informal ceremony of pouring in the first dishfulls of gravel for mixing the concrete. From about 11am till 4:30pm, these busy men and women poured and pounded, mixed and hauled, smoothed and tread and re-smoothed the giant slab that secures the well-being of the family that will live under its protection. And it looks like it was a success! 
(At last, the parsonage is getting it's top put on!)

The roof now has to cure for over two weeks with standing water on it. I think even the weather has taken an active interest in the proper curing of this building. Since the day of our arrival, we had not seen nor felt a drop of rain from these clear, sunny skies. But, Monday evening the wind began to pick up and the sky started to change. We began to hear in the distance the deep drumbeats of an ancient and powerful army advancing against our weary fort. By six they were near enough for us to feel the hopelessness of our situation as we had been surrounded and the flashes from cannons were seen every few seconds. And LO! upon our upturned faces poured an arsenal of blessings as the sweet, cool rain washed away the weariness and we danced and spun on the top of the church. This blessing was repeated again on Tuesday and for two evenings we threw open the windows and let our hot and stuffy room receive a blessing of cool, fresh air.
(We're all wet from the rain; horray!!!)

Going back to Saturday night: Chelsea’s back took an unfortunate turn and landed her in a state of forced R&R with the remainder of her body and mind disliking such arrangements. Her humble servant and nurse (me ;) had to go to great lengths to satisfy the young patient and keep her still. We thank you all so much for your prayers and suggestions. The dear patient suffered well and has been rewarded with a gradual but pleasant recovery (thanks also to the Yoga training from our beloved Indian mama: Suhasini). With Chelsea being incapacitated (I almost wrote indecapitated…which would have terrified many of you and caused several nightmares…) on Sunday, there was a large list of activities left for me to perform alone: 1) teaching Sunday School (Luke 18 – the Pharisee and the Tax Collector); 2) sharing the message during Church (James 4:6-10 on drawing near to God and humility); 3) leading the Youth Meeting (and teaching on Purity); and 4) spending the afternoon with the extended “family” to let them know we love them and so that they didn’t think we were unsocial guests. I was exhausted by the end but rewarded by the peace of the Lord and the pleasant smile of my long-suffering roommate.

David left on Sunday night to translate at a Baptist conference for the week, leaving us in the capable hands of his wife Suhasini, Grandmama, nephew Abishaek, and any other helpful neighbors and extended family who would take part in caring for and entertaining us for the week. Aside from the above mentioned laboring with the Lord, we have engaged in many hearty activities: video chats with our loved ones back home, writing reports for David and our own records, reading a variety of books from the Bible and in addition to, prayer and deep conversations, getting accosted by various street children while relaxing outside, playing games with Suhasini and the boys, and laundry day (yes, I now understand why in the older days people would say, “every Thursday is laundry day…” because it really does take a long time! For just doing laundry for two, it takes many hours of washing, a full day to dry, and time to take down, iron as necessary, and put away… whew! Fortunately, we double-task by memorizing scripture, spending time in singing worship, or other spiritually helpful manners.) We are also preparing for several events coming up this weekend and next week which you will hear much about later!
 (Studious Bethany, working even while the power was out)

We close with an evening spent in the entertainment of Pastor David’s sister, Premalatha, and her family: Chandana, Rohith, and Rinish. We had a lively time with Chandana during yesterday (Thursday) afternoon and relaxed in their home during the evening until we went out for an early dinner at 9:30pm.  We arrived home with no incident and chatted until after 1am when we finally retired our weary eyes and slept fitfully.
 (All dressed up to go out for dinner!)

Who knew that resting could be so much work! ;)

Our love to you all. And our prayers that you, too, will be growing ever nearer to our marvelous Lord through every situation as you learn to repent and rest, be quiet and trust.

Andariki Vandenalu!
(Thank you very much for reading all of this!)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Backs and such things

Praise the Lord! My back felt much better this morning (Monday) when I got up. I'm still sore and stiff and it's going to be tough not to over do it, but thankfully we've got a pretty mellow week ahead.Thank you so much Lord my quick recovery, and thanks for Suhasini, who insisted that I do some stretches last night and to Bethany for making sure that I stayed quiet yesterday and not letting me go stir crazy :) Thank you all for your prayers!

As I spent time in bed yesterday, I was reminded that pain is a good thing. It lets us know when we're hurting ourselves so that we can change our behaviors. This applies to my back and to my spiritual life as well... just thought I'd share with you a few of the meditations of a bedridden missionary in India:)

I'm so glad to be up and moving around again... though slowly

Grace and peace to you all!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Please Pray

We have two prayer requests; the first being the most urgent...
  • Chelsea threw out her back earlier today and is in some pain. Please pray that the Lord heals her and allows her to sleep tonight. We have a full day tomorrow with a lot that the Lord has laid on our hearts. I don't want to have to do it alone, and she doesn't want to be stuck on a bed in pain for much longer. 
  • Like I said, the Lord has laid many things on our hearts for us to be warring spiritually, for us to be speaking, for us to be acting upon. We want to be faithful servants. Please pray that the Spirit would give us strength to draw closer to the heart of our Lord; from that place shall come all that He intends for us to do. Tomorrow, in particular, is a new day, full of specific opportunities to speak what He calls us to speak. Please pray that we may proclaim the whole gospel clearly and fearlessly as we should.
Thanks everyone!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

///*//>>/ (Static) Transmissions to Follow

Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1122
Neelagiri Sangam, Nellore, India

Report # 4027336.1


Ambassador Bethany reporting:

//>*/`*/// (Static) W e have returned to HQ after a 78 hour absence. Phase 1 of mission /**/>//*//`/ was successful. Phase 2 is pending lab results and the results for Phase 3 are under surveillance. Our soldiers are weary but have received extra rations from Sergeant B.D. Dayasagar through the provisions of our Commanding Officer.

Ground transport departed at 2125 on 15.02.2011 as scheduled. First attempt at shipping cargo by train was successful and sufficient space was commandeered for all parties to bunk down //*/``*//>/ for the 10 hour transit time. During the move, the Ambassadors were briefed with additional linguistics by the Sergeant and with training instructions by the Commander of the Heavenly Forces. All supplies arrived safely and in excellent condition.


Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1149

Report # 4027336.2


Ambassador Chelsea reporting:

We arrived at the drop point without event and were greeted most warmly by the mission liaison office. As the preparations were proceeding according to plan, the soldiers were able to rest for several hours before beginning the active portion of the mission. //+|**// All supplies and intel were received promptly and in abundance thanks to the excellent work of the ground team led and organized by the Lieutenant General Helper.

//’**/>/ As you know, the objectives of this mission were training and morale support of ground troops, recruitment of local forces, and strategic planting of time bombs, which will one day prove very effective in advancing the “global initiative.” All these objectives were accomplished with great precision and success due again to the outstanding work of Lieutenant General Helper. New material presented from the “Training Manual” included portions from the section addressed to the soldiers in Rome (1.11-1.16, 3.10, 3.23, 5.8, 6.23, and 10.9) on the origins of our global initiative, those written by our Advisor Solomon in 1.7 and 8.13 on proper respect toward our Commanding Officer and lifestyle befitting soldiers, and section 15.11–15.24 as recorded by the noted Doctor Luke //*>’/**//. All will prove extremely valuable to the ground troops. Additionally, the morale of the ground troops was raised by the efforts of our soldiers and ambassadors in music and song.


Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1314

Report # 4027336.3


Ambassador Bethany reporting:

We received a tour of the /**`//~/^// camp and report that all facilities have been outfitted beyond expectation. Because of the temporary peace, ground soldiers have been given time for physical training in addition to moral and tactical training. We received high honors and entertainment from the new recruits who displayed their patriotism through songs and dancing. The Lieutenant General Helper’s orders are being carried out diligently and the new recruits are improving significantly in their comprehension of the “global initiative” and the application thereof. However, both the new recruits and ground soldiers require significantly greater rations of the Lieutenant General’s guidance as required by section 16.7-16.13 of Advisor John /*//`/>>///*’s manual. Please submit the necessary paperwork for rush processing of this request.

We report that both Ambassador Chelsea and Ambassador Bethany’s personal speeches were of great value and encouragement to the attending troops. Sergeant Dayasagar also delivered a rousing speech and gave out important supplies to the soldiers and camp officials. Many soldiers showed an immediate improvement of their personal behaviors and a greater devotion to the “global initiative.” We hope that through continued guidance from the camp officials and the Lieutenant General’s supervision, these standards will continue to increase.

As evidenced by this report, Phase 1 of the //`/**//>/ mission--including the delivery of weaponry, the training and moral support of ground troops, and the calling and encouragement of new recruits--has been highly successful.


Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1437

Report # 4027336.4


Ambassador Chelsea reporting:

Transportation back to HQ proved to be more challenging than we initially thought. Due to crowded conditions on the train, there was inadequate space for the personnel in need of transport. However, the kindness of the natives allowed all to have a relatively comfortable, if crowded, journey and if this is the greatest inconvenience during this assignment, we will consider ourselves very blessed. Soldiers and personnel arrived back at HQ at aprox. 17.02.2011, 0245 and were immediately assigned to their barracks for rest.

As of 0530, normal operations have been resumed at HQ for all personnel recently deployed, including oversight of ongoing construction of new facilities, maintenance of current resources, and research and development.


Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1437

Report # 4027336.5


Surveillance photos taken during our recent deployment:

Further transmissions will be made as necessary.


Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1538

Report # 4027336.6


Lab Results: After careful observation, Sergeant B.D. Dayasagar received the report that the recruits and ground troops were greatly encouraged by the training and resources provided by on the orders of the Commanding Officer. Phase 2 of //^/**/>// mission is complete. Phase 3 surveillance will continue as specified by orders.


We hope you have enjoyed our attempt to provide you with an accurate military-style report on our activities for the last 3 days. Please bear in mind, neither of us has had any military training and we were simply challenging ourselves in our writing skills, so any resemblance to actual military reporting methods is purely coincidental. :) The inspiration for this style of update comes from Christ’s call that we be ambassadors for Him and Paul’s admonition that we be faithful soldiers. If you do not understand any of the references or you are concerned about our mental health as we continue overseas, please contact us directly.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Train rides, here we come!!!

Let me begin by making a formal announcement:

We will be traveling and at a crusade/retreat next week (10-hour train ride each way…traveling evening and night, of course, since it’s much cooler at that time). As the Lord directs you, please be praying for the Lord’s presence to be in and among the people attending (mostly Christians but obviously many non-Christians as well since it will be in a large “village”). Pastor David will be a speaker; there is a likelihood that we will also be speaking at a women’s session or more, though we are mostly there to observe …and probably be observed (*Sigh*). All of that to say: “DO NOT PANIC!” We are absent from our correspondence by design, not foul play :)

These past few days have been a strange mix of relaxation and high-intensity work; mostly the former, though — and "Yahoha stotrum" (Praise the Lord) for that considering our schedule for today (Sunday) and the coming week.

All today and yesterday we have been rocking out to the sound of the ultimate garage band. HBA’s “RON Band” has been practicing (across the street, in the church building, with the sound cranked way up) for a concert they’ll be doing on Monday. They’re a very talented group of men and we pray that their giftings will draw people in to hear the message of the gospel through their witness. We will not be able to attend this concert since we’ll be hours away. In addition to the band, we have also been listening to teachings on Biblical history and culture in order to understand the style of thinking which influenced the writings and actions of the Biblical writers and historical figures. As we are studying the roots of our heritage and especially the earthly life of our risen Lord, we are being challenged and inspired in our own lives. This training of our own lives is providing fuel for our witness and preaching to those around us. It is wonderful to be poured into in order to be poured out of again! I would recommend to you that whenever you study the Bible and are taught new life lessons, you immediately look for a person or group with whom you can share. Without this outlet, I would often forget many of the important lessons which have been given to me.


I’m going to go out of order here and jump back to Tuesday night. We had a first-time experience for both Chelsea and me. I’m going to include snippets of our journal entries to tell the story:

“Tuesday afternoon we went to a village that had an established HBA church with a building. One of the two Pastor/Evangelists can speak halted English which is a bit of a relief for me. We were greeted by a dozen or so kids who were singing for us. What a joy and eagerness these believers have. In this place we also felt a great spiritual tension [side note: I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a place where you feel a wrestling that is separate from emotion or thought; I don’t know if I’m being technically correct, but that’s kinda what it was like for me]. The Lord had laid on me to speak from John 17 about eternal life in Christ—the knowledge and communion with Him is what gives value to eternity. While we were all still singing Telugu songs, a slightly odd-looking man walked in. He was very tired with a worn red shirt and uncombed hair—the look of someone who had worked in the fields for several long days, living on “smoke weed” and cleaning up in the nearby pond. He seemed a little dazed and began talking quietly to the room of people. Suddenly, his eyes began to grow wider and wider. His voice got louder and faster and he began pointing and shouting. It was in Telugu so we could not understand what was being said. [We found out later he was essentially shouting “I know Jesus, I am Jesus, worship me!”] …I had watched him as though it were someone outside me observing it all and pouring into me greater understanding then I myself could get. I saw the evangelists—not moving from their seats—speak quietly to the man, instructing him to calm down and sit; which he slowly did. He stayed through my entire explanation of eternal life in Christ Jesus but would cover his ears whenever I specifically spoke about knowing Jesus as our Lord while we are on this earth. Chelsea said she felt like an angel was behind her keeping the man in his place …I did not pay much more attention to that man specifically; my words were for the believers, to encourage and teach them. But as I was speaking, I also wanted the evil spirit in him to have to hear the true words about our Lord Jesus Christ that are so offensive to it; and I wanted the man’s spirit—which was made by God in His likeness—to receive these words of life. Lord, may you set him free!” – from Bethany’s Journal

“Last night a demon possessed man came into the meeting. I was sitting facing the front door and I first saw him just walk passed and I knew there was something not right about him. He came back a little later and came inside. As soon as he walked in all my attention shifted to him and I started praying. I didn’t know exactly why for a few seconds. He took a few steps into the room and then his eyes got really big and he started to shout in Telugu in a deep voice. When I asked David later, he said that the demon had been shouting, “I am Jesus.” As soon as his eyes got big, I knew he was demon possessed and I started praying for real. I could feel the Spirit rising inside of me as he was yelling louder. I felt the Spirit reach His fullness inside of me and just as I was about to stand, the man stopped yelling and one of the evangelists told him to sit down. I don’t have anything to back this up, but I sense that the reason the spirit quieted was because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in me, and probably in others, became too strong for him. The entire rest of the time he was there, the man kept staring at me and staring passed me. Bethany was speaking and he would watch her or David for a short time and then he would look back toward me and his eyes would get bigger. I think there was an angel standing behind my seat, presiding over the meeting and keeping the spirits in line. …Again I have nothing to support these feelings. At any rate, I am going to be praying much more for our protection and filling with the Spirit as we travel out to the villages.” – from Chelsea’s Journal

We write all of these things not because we want to make a big deal of the spiritual realm, but because we know that most of you—like us—probably have never witnessed a physical display of spirits. We hope this both clears away some of the mystical aspects and opens your eyes to the reality of the presence of spiritual beings and activities. May the Lord grow us in maturity and keep us from foolish thinking in these interactions.

Whew! Let us not let such conversation make us weary for these aren’t our battles and the Lord is our joy and strength. :) Continue with me in reminiscing over the past few days.

Very exciting (for us): we have spent much time cleaning our rooms—especially the bedroom—and decided to rearrange the beds and such to create a lovely sitting area. Do you like it? Isn’t it peaceful?! We sure are enjoying our “breakfast-nook/music-room/study-hall/dinning-room/media-center/etc.” The family keeps teasing us that they should act as our room service: “What may I get for you, ma’ams?” Pah! If they’d let us wait on them then we’d let them sit at our table more often :)

And, lastly, on Friday evening we had a lengthy prayer meeting at the church. It was absolutely wonderful to spend so much time in prayer with other believers from the fellowship here. We spent some time in worship and a little bit of teaching and then prayed until just after midnight. We spoke from Ephesians 1:7 about Paul’s prayer that the believers would be given the Spirit of wisdom and revelation…( an amazing blessing to receive; what could it be for?)…so that we may know HIM better! It requires this great Spirit in order for us to comprehend even a little more of the greatness of our Lord. I, for one, gladly accept the request made to God that I as a believer would receive this great Spirit. Please, Lord; I want to know You better!

We look forward to connecting with you again next weekend!

Andariki Vandenalu
(Thank you all so much for listening)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Laundry, Villages, and Birthdays... oh what a busy life!

After nearly a month, we are beginning to develop a routine here. We awake about 7 am and spend time with Jesus in the morning. Before he leaves for school, Havilash is usually our delivery boy and brings over breakfast and Indian tea on the mornings we aren’t cooking for ourselves- which is every morning right now because our gas is needed in the “main kitchen.” We usually see David first thing in the morning so that we can discuss the schedule for the rest of the day – it’s kind of like having a personal secretary, he takes care of our schedule.

On the days we are home all day or until evening, we study our Bibles and prepare for longer messages, write in our journals about all the Lord is teaching us, speak with our families on Skype, play with Nathan and Havilash, write these updates you so enjoy reading :), and get house work done… especially laundry and cleaning. It still takes us a very long time to do our laundry… think 2+ hours of washing and rinsing and ringing out once or twice a week. (I (Chelsea) have decided that doing laundry for my family at home would be a full time job requiring at least 4-5 hours on a daily basis. Mom- aren’t you thankful for washing machines!)

On the days we travel out to a village, we spend extra time preparing/praying for the day in the mornings. Saturday and Sunday were this kind of day. We visited a different village each day (so far there have been no repeat visits to villages). Saturday evening we met with a small flock and held a short service in the open air. They have a space they are using for church gatherings, but it is small and was very hot in the evening, so we moved outside where it was cooler and there was more space (this has the added advantage that everyone nearby can hear what it being said whether they are attending the meeting or not).

Sunday, after children’s Sunday School (conducted for the first time in all English with the children helping to translate if some didn’t understand), church (where we did not teach this week – it was wonderful to just sit with the congregation and enjoy spending time with the Lord, I don’t know how pastors do it every week), and youth meeting (also English only), we had a short rest and lunch and then we were off to another village. This was our first meeting in a thatched church (about 10’ x 13’), we didn’t have much chance to get pictures of the “building” itself, but you can see the interior in the pictures we got while the service was going on.

It was our great delight to share the Word of God with our brothers and sisters from Psalm 16:8 (Bethany) and 23 (Chelsea) and to share with them in the Last Supper. Before and after some of the children showed their skill in traditional Indian dancing, it was really wonderful! Just look…

We also have a major praise report: Last week, Bethany and I were discussing our need for some additional Indian style clothing since we have been rotating just a few tops and bottoms, especially things which are appropriate for wearing to the villages. Saturday before we left for the village, our neighbor and landlady, called us over and gave us about 10 of the long shirts and several pairs of pants which are perfect for wearing the to the villages, or any other time. Sunday evening while we were visiting the family, David’s niece, also gave us a bag of her things she no longer wears. We both feel like the Lord has been showering us with blessings… especially since we did not even ask Him directly, but were just discussing it among ourselves.

Shout out to Bethany! All the clothes needed to be washed as they had been sitting in drawers for some time. She has spent many hours in the last two days rinsing clothes so that everything we have smells and looks fresh and clean! Thank you! You’re the best!

Yesterday was an “at home day” and we spent it mostly doing the above described activities. But in the early afternoon, Pastor David brought us a special treat. A package from home (Chelsea’s family) and a letter (from Patrick).

My mother couldn’t believe I left home without it!

Today is David’s mother’s 77th birthday! Last night, everyone stayed up and David’s youngest sister and her three children came over and at midnight we ate cake and sang “Happy Birthday.” Did you know that there is more than one verse to “Happy Birthday?” I didn’t before I got here. The additional verses say, “May God bless you dear,” “Many greeting to you,” and “Happy long life to you.” So the next time one of us is around for your birthday, you should ask us to sing you an Indian birthday song. Another interesting Indian tradition is that all the guests must feed the birthday person a bite of cake. I innocently asked if people ever get cake smeared on their face, and was informed that only happens to children and then told “apply cream (frosting) [to your face]”

We are off to another village this evening, so I must leave you for now.

Grace and peace to you all!

Friday, February 4, 2011

All About Chelsea! (And More)

Written at 6:30am, Saturday, February 05, 2011 (Indian time)

Good Morning! 

Oh! Shhhh… It’s early morning; I mustn’t wake Chelsea! Ooo, but I can use this to my advantage.  …I can tell all of the funny stories about what has happened to Chelsea in the last two days. Kee-hee-hee!

But! Before I do that, I shall tell you about Thursday:

Every month, all of Hebron Believers Assemblies’ (HBA’s) evangelists meet together here at the “headquarters” (aka: the church building here in Nellore) for encouragement/training, resources, instructions and updates, and to get their small ($20) monthly pay support (less than 1/5 of what they need to live on). Nineteen of the evangelists came on Feb. 3rd (4 men missing) and we were introduced to them and informed of where they each were working. All but three of the evangelists were tribal Indians; the remaining three being from the Dalit cast. Dalit’s were considered “untouchable” people and the lowest cast in society for centuries. Through protests and government programs, Dalits are just beginning to advance socially, though there is still much work to be done for social equality. Tribal people were considered lower than the cast system. They were considered as equal to the dogs that skirt the outside of city limits, not welcome into the city. As the cities expand, the tribes are uprooted and forced to move further and further out into the jungle. Some of these evangelists had traveled well over sixty miles to get to this meeting (by foot for part of the way until they could reach a bus or “auto”). 

(The Evangelists gather for prayer, instruction and encouragement, and resources)

Very few people are reaching out to these tribal people. Who wants to travel 10 – 30 miles on bumpy dirt roads to reach a destination that only has 100 – 200 people living there? (The bumpy roads used to be even longer; it’s only in the last 5 – 10 years that any paved roads were laid in the outskirts of the city.)Yet there are hundreds and hundreds of these tribal villages all over the countryside. We rejoice that there are so many ministries and churches here in Nellore District reaching out to the masses of people living in or near the edges of the cities. Because there are harvesters here, we are able to turn our eyes elsewhere: where there are no harvesters yet.  Our hearts ache for the vast fields of people tucked in every corner of the surrounding jungle. They have yet to hear any good news; and we hold the greatest news of the world! HBA is devoting its resources to these people. That is one of the biggest reasons we are glad that the Lord has sent us this specific place.

All of the evangelists that gathered on Thursday are first-generation believers. This means that often their parents, children, and spouses are not believers and react in extreme ways to their relative’s conversion. One of the evangelists had his wife leave him and his son; another lost his home because of the landlord’s religious (Hindu) violence. These guys really are giving up everything! But, they know so little about the Bible, morality, and Christian living. In their ignorance they approve of ungodly acts like adultery and stealing; they don’t know how to pray or to love their neighbors; some can’t even read and so are at a loss for being able to learn truth except by traveling to hear it from us. That is why meetings like Thursday’s are so important.

Pastor David asked that Chelsea and I provide the spiritual instruction for the day and gave us about an hour each to do so.  We prayed and prayed about it for several days but the Lord did not give us directions on what to share until the day before (for me, Bethany, it was the night before). I think He does that just to remind us that it is “not by might nor by power, but by [His] Spirit” that we speak any good. Chelsea was instructed to share about the Holy Spirit and explain His role and work in our lives. I was told by the Lord to show what discipleship is and call them into such a lifestyle. Both of these teachings cut into the hearts of the evangelists (and Pastor David as well as ourselves were deeply challenged by these words from the Lord). We spent much time in prayer following each of the teachings. Thanks to the Lord’s work in Pastor David’s translating abilities, the evangelists really grasped the messages and were raised up another level in their knowledge and ability to serve the Lord in the way He instructs. Both of these messages have been recorded and once I discover how to upload long videos (1 – 1.5 hours each, we will post them so that you can likewise be edified and encouraged).
(10-book training series on Christian living, Bible study, and Church ministry; 
these books will be used by the evangelists and their churches until they fall apart, I am sure!)

At the gathering, Pastor David was also able to put into each of their hands a stack of training material that will greatly benefit them as Christians and pastors, and will aid their churches as well. Those couple of evangelists who can’t read at all will be aided by their “nearby” evangelists or by a child or spouse who can read. HBA has a small literacy program in place that some of the evangelists and/or their spouses can participate in. We hope that soon all of the evangelists will be able to read their own Bibles and books such as these that were provided.

(Praying over and handing out the literature)

Friday (yesterday), we visited a nearby evangelist who lives just outside the city limits. HBA has just this month begun supporting and partnering with this evangelist and his church. They have only a small gathering in the “home” of a poor family. We met to encourage them and pray for them. This village has the old-fashioned wells that use buckets to draw up the water. Chelsea became a “woman at the well” and I caught it on camera! Because we loved the place and people so much, Pastor David teased us by trying to locate an available hut-with-well in the village. I wouldn’t put it past the Lord to do such a thing! For years Chelsea has said there is a hut somewhere in the jungle with her name on it. I begin to wonder if I’ve got one too: sort of a “home-away-from-home” place. But, no purchase was made yesterday so we moved on…
(Chelsea draws water...she's a natural!)

We then visited the home of a ministry leader in town who oversees an orphanage and occupational training school. The family was so friendly and spoke English! What a relief for us! They served us watermelon and tea and let us just rest for a while with them. We spent that time being good disciples and studying the scriptures together. Their daughter was putting a form of Mundi (called by some other name, though) on her hands and it was BEAUTIFUL! Though she was shy, she let us take a picture of it. Chelsea and I are scheming and think that we might use a simple pattern like this on our hands for my wedding…what do you think, Patrick?!?!
(Isn't she cute? ...What do you think about the art?)

We also admired the décor of their house. The light violet walls and orange and peach curtains made for one of the nicest places we have yet been pleasured with relaxing in. For those of you with art or interior design gifting, the mix of colors which Indians find pleasing would be quite difficult for your senses to take in.  Fortunately, Chelsea and I lack just enough fashion that we find many of their styles quite wonderful!  Speaking specifically to Chelsea’s mom, Ashlyn, we thought that you, of all people, would greatly… um, what’s the word I want… appreciate growing in these tastes. Therefore, it is decided that Chelsea shall have a guest room in her home that is specifically for you! And it will be colored in this way: bright pink walls with vibrant green curtains and a soothing blue bedspread. Oh, and you shall have a swan-shaped lamp to read by :).  We hope these accommodations will be to your satisfaction! 

Oh! And that family gave us a wonderful gift! Kaleidoscopes! The daughter had made them in school and brought them out to show us. We were just like children! David has decided that should we ever look sad or tired, he needs only to hand us these toys and we will stop crying ;). Apparently we are becoming too “childlike”. The daughter surprised us as we were leaving by giving her Kaleidoscopes to us! Thank you, thank you! We shall treasure them.
(Kaleidoscope Madness! ...and Happy Chelsea!)

On a more serious note (or not so serious) we were asked today what our education level was and what we were still studying. The newspapers reported that we were students visiting here to study the culture. We have discussed it among ourselves and decided that we are indeed "studying abroad" for a half-year term (two semesters, if you please!).  We are studying to achieve our Masters in Inter-universal Communications in order to become Ambassadors. Our current courses include:
  • TSL (Telugu as a Second Language)
  • Communication – Public Speaking and Group Dynamics
  • Music Training – Chelsea: classical studies; Bethany: Indian rhythm and composition
  • Cultural Studies
    • Art / Interior Design
    • Fashion
    • Cooking
    • Native Customs
  • Bible Training - Old and New Testaments
  • Evangelism 101
  • Organizational Management for Faith-Based Operations
The course load is quite intense and exhausting requiring many late nights and constant performance evaluations. We are gaining incredible knowledge and skill, however, and are extremely grateful for our professors: the Holy Spirit, Pastor David, Havilash and Suhasini, and many, many guest “speakers.” We shall be highly and properly educated upon our return!

I do believe that with all that said, we have brought you mostly up-to-date on our adventures here with the Lord. As ambassadors-in-training for our King, I say to you:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (Jn. 14:27)

Andariki Vandenalu
(Thank you so very much!)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Village Visit #2

“Yesterday [Monday] was amazing. Even though we only got about 4 hours of sleep, we were up early and ready by 9… The village we traveled to was a good 30+ miles passed last week’s village, over roads which got worse with every mile. It was the first time we had taken the Jeep anywhere and while it’s not the most comfortable vehicle, it’s very good for the kind of work we’re doing… All the time we were driving out [to the village]I kept thinking ‘there is no place I’d rather be than bouncing along a hot, dusty, rutted road in the middle of nowhere on my way to a small village to spread the Gospel’. I kept thinking ‘how many time I’ve dreamed about this.’” -excerpt from Chelsea’s journal, Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We arrived at the village at about 12:30pm, so we immediately went to the home of one of the believers and ate a delicious lunch of wata, egg curry, and rice. (These are some of my, Chelsea’s, favorite foods in India; especially the wata.) The Indian’s customarily take a rest after lunch when they can. We gladly followed this custom since we had so little sleep the night before, but we didn’t actually sleep. Instead we took our Bibles and sat in a corner of the courtyard, reading and watching everyone go about their business. One of the women soon gathered the other women and children and came over to sing to us! It was wonderful! Bethany and I love the unique sound of the Indian music, especially the Christian songs. Soon we were trading songs with them, they would sing us a song and then we would sing one back. We sang 3 of our Telugu songs and several English songs. Pastor David, who had been trying to nap, came out and then we had a translator too.

Wata and Egg Curry (and my hand) The Believers singing to us

Bethany insists that I tell you what English songs we sang for them… That morning we had been discussing songs from our childhood we could use in Sunday School, so among others we sang “I’ve Got Joy Like A Fountain” and “Father Abraham.” Pastor David is still learning to use our video camera, but here’s a clip of me leading a group of women and children who have little or no idea what I’m doing in the motions to “Father Abraham”…

We also had the privilege of hearing the testimonies of two of the evangelists working with HBA. I’m going to share one of them with you. Paul’s wife came to Christ after a fellow fieldworker shared the love of Jesus with them. But Paul only pretended; he did not actually commit his life to Christ. For many years, he would go to church only on occasion and close his eyes when his wife prayed just to make her happy. One day, he went into the forest to hunt for rabbits even though his wife didn’t want him to go that day; she said she had a bad feeling about it. When he reached the edge of the forest a figure of a man appeared to him and told him to go back to his wife, but he continued on his way. After a while he sat down under a tree to rest. When Paul stood up, a cobra was in front of him. It struck his leg and didn’t let go (normally, the cobra would just bite and then let go and wait for its prey to die). The poison began to travel up his leg and he collapsed. But as Paul’s eyesight began to blur, a vision of Jesus appeared to him and healed him. From that moment on, Paul has followed Jesus fully. He has been a Christian for several years now but has only been an evangelist for 3 years.

Once it got a little cooler, we left the compound to go street preaching. This still a very new experience for Bethany and I, but we are growing in our ability and comfort. We were so blessed to walk around the village. We prayed for several of the believers in their homes for healing and health and that they would know the Lord more. We were also privileged to be asked to pray for several of the non-believers in the village- we prayed for one woman that she would conceive and two other s that they would regain good health and for one man that his broken hand would heal properly and for a little baby that he would stop coughing. Many, many things to be praying for… please pray with us if the Lord brings them to mind.

We left the village very late that night because we did something historic for HBA. We played the Jesus film in Telugu for the villagers- the historic part is that this is the first time HBA has been able to use all their own equipment. Pastor David was able to purchase a used LCD projector last fall and we had a used laptop donated which we were able to bring and give Pastor David. (Pastor David expresses HUGE thanks to the person who donated the laptop). It was also an opportunity to grow in faith and prayer, as there was no electrical plug and no generator… but there were POWER LINES!!!! Hope was renewed and two of the evangelists used a long pole with a hook on one end and a piece of wire to connect to the power lines while Bethany and I prayed for their safety, and the safety of all the equipment. Praise the Lord, there was no KABLUEEE! (Bethany’s word) and the video was able to play without incident. It was a wonderful opportunity to plant seeds in the hearts of about 40 villagers. Please pray with us that the words they heard would continue to sound in their hearts and minds, that they would be filled with questions about what they saw, and that they would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

The HBA evangelists and all the equipment

Tuesday and Wednesday were wonderful days of rest (much needed after two late nights, Sunday Skyping with our church at home and Monday arriving back from the village), study, and play. Nathan (age 6) David’s youngest son, has been home sick this week and so he has been spending a lot of time with us. (He is feeling much better now and will be going back to school tomorrow.) We have had a great time teaching him games, spelling words in English with the Scrabble letters we brought, and just hanging out. He has quite the personality and the more we get to know him, the more we enjoy spending time with him. This goes for Havilash (older son) and Suhasini (David’s wife…also called Bulah) as well. Wednesday evening was the usual gathering of believers and we shared about the joy of the Lord, how it is different from happiness, and why/how to have joy even in difficult circumstances.

“…in Your presence there is fullness of joy…” Ps 16:11

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Exalt the Lord Alone!

Time moves so persistently. We have already been here for two and a half weeks. Our longing to see all of you again makes us grateful that time has not wavered or stopped; yet for the sake of the work happening here we wish to hold on to the moments longer. Oh, Lord, You were wise to make time an unchanging current. We shall travel with it knowing that Your will shall be done in the time You have a allotted; joyfully we march: “onward Christian soldier.”

Today is our third Tuesday here. The day seems cooler. Very refreshing! Thank you for giving such a day, Lord.  …actually, I think instead, the Lord has blessed me by just adjusting my body to the heat ;) . I looked at the thermometer: 31.4 Celsius (88.5 Fahrenheit), and it is still “winter.” After a summer here (during springtime at home), the winter of 2011-12 at home is going to be quite a shocker to my system!

Today is a day of rest for Chelsea and me. We had a very busy day yesterday and were out until late at night. I’m using this resting time to catch you all up a bit on what has been taking place here. We’ve had so many interesting, amazing, and sometimes confusing experiences here that we found our blog posts were getting quite long and we’re getting behind. So, I think I’ll tell you about Thursday and through the weekend. I will leave the privilege to Chelsea of telling you all about the wonders of yesterday (Monday). (You’d better appreciate that, little Lady!)

Thursday morning we headed just south of Nellore city to a little church building where about 30 local evangelists had gathered to receive spiritual encouragement and training. Some of the evangelists we recognized from Monday’s trip to the village of Adurupalli; others we met were also a part of Pastor David’s evangelist team; while the rest of the pastors and evangelists were friends and partners in the ministry.  Completely unsure of what to expect, Chelsea and I had spent much time in prayer during the days leading up, searching the Lord’s heart for the instruction and words of encouragement which He wanted to impart to them.  We knew that we were not meant to be the main speakers, but how much to say and on what subject was left completely ambiguous. In my time of preparation (meaning prayer, with my Bible before me and writing material somewhere on the side) the Lord drove my mind to a place of humility and awe before Him. As I was praising His glories and character, I found Him at work, opening my mind to greater understanding and appreciation of those very things for which I was lifting Him up. And I found my heart open and eager for Him to create in me such a likeness. 
(Singing "Ne Yesuni Velugulo" for the evangelists.
Priyanka helped us where we got stuck...
...give us a break! There's eight verses!)

Ah-ha! I realized. This is the most valuable of all “learning.” To learn to praise His character and His ways is more valuable than all head knowledge. We usually honor humans who are able speakers or brilliant in an aspect of performance or looks; yet what is the greatest human compared to our God? To know Him and His ways is more valuable than any professor’s instruction. And by talking with God about His own character and acts, He will explain them more fully till we know all about Him. Then we who are weak and small in head knowledge can be used greatly by our God because He has molded our way of thinking. 

From this position of thinking and praying, the Lord began pointing me to verses: 
•    on glorifying God vs. man – 1 Samuel 16:6-7; Job 33:6-7; Job 40:6-14
•    on entering the Lord’s presence with praise – Psalm 100
•    on learning to praise and glorify God and His attributes – Psalm 89:5-18; Revelation 15:3-4; 19:1-8; Psalm 32

When we arrived on Thursday morning, I was called upon to speak whatever the Lord had laid on my heart. At this point, Chelsea still did not have any leading from the Lord on what to share. She had prayed and wrestled with many different messages which He had given her, but none seemed right for this time. So, that morning she had instead, simply prayed and read some scripture, and left it to the Lord for if there was anything He would give her to share that day. 

 (Bethany encouraging the believers)

I surprised everyone (included Pastor David) and received applause for introducing myself in Telugu (it was only a short sentence, so don’t be too impressed!). And then prayed and shared based on what I’ve written out above. P.David was translating and both of us felt the spirit of the Lord moving swiftly and clearly through us. Those listening were fully engaged and responding—praise the Lord!—it was wonderful to watch them taking in what the Lord was giving them.  While I was talking I was also praying for when the Lord would have me end and if there was anything else that needed to be said. Right then I felt Chelsea toe my foot. The Lord had dropped into her heart the important, closing emphasis for these words! I passed the microphone to her and she spoke out of John 15 using the image of the vine and branches to explain our connection with the Lord. She showed how we often will stifle the growth which comes from being deeply connected in the Lord and His ways by trying to bind around ourselves these expectations of our own growth direction. But this binding will cut off the nutrients and we lose connection with God. We must take off our own expectations of our growth and focus on being connected to the Lord; then we will see Him flourish through us.
 (Taking a break from teaching...everyone was singing together)

We spoke much longer than was probably intended, but the main speaker—an Indian gentleman named David Livingston—said he was extremely glad for the message which we shared.  He then spoke on faithfulness encouraging the pastors and evangelists to remain committed to the Lord in many aspects of their lives: families, finances, ministry, relationships, etc. Upon closing, we were able to pray for the two women who attended and then join everyone for lunch (yummy!). 

I love the fellowship of believers; I love the Spirit of God moving in and through all of us, knowing that He is communicating His truths in one and then another, building unity; I love that we can pray and speak life to one another even across culture and language differences.  Oh, what wonderful pieces of heaven these are!

Sunday we had similar opportunities to fellowship and encourage the believers. In the early morning we traveled across town to a small church which held an English service. We sang and played several songs for them. Then we spoke according to the Lord’s leading (without translation! It was kinda weird :).  From Proverb 3:7-8 we exhorted them to stop holding education and degrees as a measure of worthiness in their leaders and peers.  Instead, they should fear the Lord and hate evil. Honor the Lord and listen to those people who show great evidence of hating evil and sin and of holding the Lord in great esteem. 
 (Chelsea's artsy picture of the passage we taught out of Proverbs)

The message was so encouraging and powerful to P.David that he asked us to share the same message at HBA’s church service later in the morning; which we faithfully and prayerfully did.  Chelsea then taught the youth out of John 13:34-35 showing them the level of love which the Lord requires us to carry as disciples who are walking in the way of Christ.

I share all of these messages with you in such detail in order that you, likewise, may be encouraged and challenged by these things. For we have discovered that believers all across the world struggle with similar evils. We are growing so much in the Lord. I have determined that one of the best ways to grow in the Lord is to prepare and speak messages about the Lord. This study and time in prayer—when one knows that it will be tested against their own character and actions—causes the learning and depth to be so much deeper. I think that in the future I will require all of my prospective students and children to be constantly teaching the scriptures so that they must be studying them in this way.

This is a faithful picture of all the ministry opportunities that took place over the weekend. (Excepting Friday night at the Women’s Fellowship where we had prayer and worship and then Chelsea spoke on 1 John 4:18.) Most of Friday and Saturday were spent in preparing for Sunday and Monday and in hanging out with the family here. I may have to write a follow-up report to tell about some of the adventures of those days. You would laugh at the antics that took place…

May the peace and grace of the Lord be with you all. Until our next update!
Andariki Vandenalu 
(Thank you all so much!)