in quietness and trust is your strength…”
– Isaiah 30:15
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.”
– Psalm 139:23-24
(Thank you very much for reading all of this!)
Report # 4027336.1
Ambassador Bethany reporting:
//>*/`*/// (Static) W e have returned to HQ after a 78 hour absence. Phase 1 of mission /**/>//*//`/ was successful. Phase 2 is pending lab results and the results for Phase 3 are under surveillance. Our soldiers are weary but have received extra rations from Sergeant B.D. Dayasagar through the provisions of our Commanding Officer.
Ground transport departed at 2125 on 15.02.2011 as scheduled. First attempt at shipping cargo by train was successful and sufficient space was commandeered for all parties to bunk down //*/``*//>/ for the 10 hour transit time. During the move, the Ambassadors were briefed with additional linguistics by the Sergeant and with training instructions by the Commander of the Heavenly Forces. All supplies arrived safely and in excellent condition.
Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1149
Report # 4027336.2
Ambassador Chelsea reporting:
We arrived at the drop point without event and were greeted most warmly by the mission liaison office. As the preparations were proceeding according to plan, the soldiers were able to rest for several hours before beginning the active portion of the mission. //+|**// All supplies and intel were received promptly and in abundance thanks to the excellent work of the ground team led and organized by the Lieutenant General Helper.
//’**/>/ As you know, the objectives of this mission were training and morale support of ground troops, recruitment of local forces, and strategic planting of time bombs, which will one day prove very effective in advancing the “global initiative.” All these objectives were accomplished with great precision and success due again to the outstanding work of Lieutenant General Helper. New material presented from the “Training Manual” included portions from the section addressed to the soldiers in Rome (1.11-1.16, 3.10, 3.23, 5.8, 6.23, and 10.9) on the origins of our global initiative, those written by our Advisor Solomon in 1.7 and 8.13 on proper respect toward our Commanding Officer and lifestyle befitting soldiers, and section 15.11–15.24 as recorded by the noted Doctor Luke //*>’/**//. All will prove extremely valuable to the ground troops. Additionally, the morale of the ground troops was raised by the efforts of our soldiers and ambassadors in music and song.
Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1314
Report # 4027336.3
Ambassador Bethany reporting:
We received a tour of the /**`//~/^// camp and report that all facilities have been outfitted beyond expectation. Because of the temporary peace, ground soldiers have been given time for physical training in addition to moral and tactical training. We received high honors and entertainment from the new recruits who displayed their patriotism through songs and dancing. The Lieutenant General Helper’s orders are being carried out diligently and the new recruits are improving significantly in their comprehension of the “global initiative” and the application thereof. However, both the new recruits and ground soldiers require significantly greater rations of the Lieutenant General’s guidance as required by section 16.7-16.13 of Advisor John /*//`/>>///*’s manual. Please submit the necessary paperwork for rush processing of this request.
We report that both Ambassador Chelsea and Ambassador Bethany’s personal speeches were of great value and encouragement to the attending troops. Sergeant Dayasagar also delivered a rousing speech and gave out important supplies to the soldiers and camp officials. Many soldiers showed an immediate improvement of their personal behaviors and a greater devotion to the “global initiative.” We hope that through continued guidance from the camp officials and the Lieutenant General’s supervision, these standards will continue to increase.
As evidenced by this report, Phase 1 of the //`/**//>/ mission--including the delivery of weaponry, the training and moral support of ground troops, and the calling and encouragement of new recruits--has been highly successful.
Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1437
Report # 4027336.4
Ambassador Chelsea reporting:
Transportation back to HQ proved to be more challenging than we initially thought. Due to crowded conditions on the train, there was inadequate space for the personnel in need of transport. However, the kindness of the natives allowed all to have a relatively comfortable, if crowded, journey and if this is the greatest inconvenience during this assignment, we will consider ourselves very blessed. Soldiers and personnel arrived back at HQ at aprox. 17.02.2011, 0245 and were immediately assigned to their barracks for rest.
As of 0530, normal operations have been resumed at HQ for all personnel recently deployed, including oversight of ongoing construction of new facilities, maintenance of current resources, and research and development.
Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1437
Report # 4027336.5
Surveillance photos taken during our recent deployment:
Further transmissions will be made as necessary.
Local Time (GMT +5:30): 1538
Report # 4027336.6
Lab Results: After careful observation, Sergeant B.D. Dayasagar received the report that the recruits and ground troops were greatly encouraged by the training and resources provided by on the orders of the Commanding Officer. Phase 2 of //^/**/>// mission is complete. Phase 3 surveillance will continue as specified by orders.
We hope you have enjoyed our attempt to provide you with an accurate military-style report on our activities for the last 3 days. Please bear in mind, neither of us has had any military training and we were simply challenging ourselves in our writing skills, so any resemblance to actual military reporting methods is purely coincidental. :) The inspiration for this style of update comes from Christ’s call that we be ambassadors for Him and Paul’s admonition that we be faithful soldiers. If you do not understand any of the references or you are concerned about our mental health as we continue overseas, please contact us directly.
On the days we are home all day or until evening, we study our Bibles and prepare for longer messages, write in our journals about all the Lord is teaching us, speak with our families on Skype, play with Nathan and Havilash, write these updates you so enjoy reading :), and get house work done… especially laundry and cleaning. It still takes us a very long time to do our laundry… think 2+ hours of washing and rinsing and ringing out once or twice a week. (I (Chelsea) have decided that doing laundry for my family at home would be a full time job requiring at least 4-5 hours on a daily basis. Mom- aren’t you thankful for washing machines!)
On the days we travel out to a village, we spend extra time preparing/praying for the day in the mornings. Saturday and Sunday were this kind of day. We visited a different village each day (so far there have been no repeat visits to villages). Saturday evening we met with a small flock and held a short service in the open air. They have a space they are using for church gatherings, but it is small and was very hot in the evening, so we moved outside where it was cooler and there was more space (this has the added advantage that everyone nearby can hear what it being said whether they are attending the meeting or not).
Sunday, after children’s Sunday School (conducted for the first time in all English with the children helping to translate if some didn’t understand), church (where we did not teach this week – it was wonderful to just sit with the congregation and enjoy spending time with the Lord, I don’t know how pastors do it every week), and youth meeting (also English only), we had a short rest and lunch and then we were off to another village. This was our first meeting in a thatched church (about 10’ x 13’), we didn’t have much chance to get pictures of the “building” itself, but you can see the interior in the pictures we got while the service was going on.
We also have a major praise report: Last week, Bethany and I were discussing our need for some additional Indian style clothing since we have been rotating just a few tops and bottoms, especially things which are appropriate for wearing to the villages. Saturday before we left for the village, our neighbor and landlady, called us over and gave us about 10 of the long shirts and several pairs of pants which are perfect for wearing the to the villages, or any other time. Sunday evening while we were visiting the family, David’s niece, also gave us a bag of her things she no longer wears. We both feel like the Lord has been showering us with blessings… especially since we did not even ask Him directly, but were just discussing it among ourselves.
Shout out to Bethany! All the clothes needed to be washed as they had been sitting in drawers for some time. She has spent many hours in the last two days rinsing clothes so that everything we have smells and looks fresh and clean! Thank you! You’re the best!
Yesterday was an “at home day” and we spent it mostly doing the above described activities. But in the early afternoon, Pastor David brought us a special treat. A package from home (Chelsea’s family) and a letter (from Patrick).
My mother couldn’t believe I left home without it!
Today is David’s mother’s 77th birthday! Last night, everyone stayed up and David’s youngest sister and her three children came over and at midnight we ate cake and sang “Happy Birthday.” Did you know that there is more than one verse to “Happy Birthday?” I didn’t before I got here. The additional verses say, “May God bless you dear,” “Many greeting to you,” and “Happy long life to you.” So the next time one of us is around for your birthday, you should ask us to sing you an Indian birthday song. Another interesting Indian tradition is that all the guests must feed the birthday person a bite of cake. I innocently asked if people ever get cake smeared on their face, and was informed that only happens to children and then told “apply cream (frosting) [to your face]”
We are off to another village this evening, so I must leave you for now.
Grace and peace to you all!
We arrived at the village at about 12:30pm, so we immediately went to the home of one of the believers and ate a delicious lunch of wata, egg curry, and rice. (These are some of my, Chelsea’s, favorite foods in India; especially the wata.) The Indian’s customarily take a rest after lunch when they can. We gladly followed this custom since we had so little sleep the night before, but we didn’t actually sleep. Instead we took our Bibles and sat in a corner of the courtyard, reading and watching everyone go about their business. One of the women soon gathered the other women and children and came over to sing to us! It was wonderful! Bethany and I love the unique sound of the Indian music, especially the Christian songs. Soon we were trading songs with them, they would sing us a song and then we would sing one back. We sang 3 of our Telugu songs and several English songs. Pastor David, who had been trying to nap, came out and then we had a translator too.
Wata and Egg Curry (and my hand) The Believers singing to us
Bethany insists that I tell you what English songs we sang for them… That morning we had been discussing songs from our childhood we could use in Sunday School, so among others we sang “I’ve Got Joy Like A Fountain” and “Father Abraham.” Pastor David is still learning to use our video camera, but here’s a clip of me leading a group of women and children who have little or no idea what I’m doing in the motions to “Father Abraham”…
We also had the privilege of hearing the testimonies of two of the evangelists working with HBA. I’m going to share one of them with you. Paul’s wife came to Christ after a fellow fieldworker shared the love of Jesus with them. But Paul only pretended; he did not actually commit his life to Christ. For many years, he would go to church only on occasion and close his eyes when his wife prayed just to make her happy. One day, he went into the forest to hunt for rabbits even though his wife didn’t want him to go that day; she said she had a bad feeling about it. When he reached the edge of the forest a figure of a man appeared to him and told him to go back to his wife, but he continued on his way. After a while he sat down under a tree to rest. When Paul stood up, a cobra was in front of him. It struck his leg and didn’t let go (normally, the cobra would just bite and then let go and wait for its prey to die). The poison began to travel up his leg and he collapsed. But as Paul’s eyesight began to blur, a vision of Jesus appeared to him and healed him. From that moment on, Paul has followed Jesus fully. He has been a Christian for several years now but has only been an evangelist for 3 years.
Once it got a little cooler, we left the compound to go street preaching. This still a very new experience for Bethany and I, but we are growing in our ability and comfort. We were so blessed to walk around the village. We prayed for several of the believers in their homes for healing and health and that they would know the Lord more. We were also privileged to be asked to pray for several of the non-believers in the village- we prayed for one woman that she would conceive and two other s that they would regain good health and for one man that his broken hand would heal properly and for a little baby that he would stop coughing. Many, many things to be praying for… please pray with us if the Lord brings them to mind.
We left the village very late that night because we did something historic for HBA. We played the Jesus film in Telugu for the villagers- the historic part is that this is the first time HBA has been able to use all their own equipment. Pastor David was able to purchase a used LCD projector last fall and we had a used laptop donated which we were able to bring and give Pastor David. (Pastor David expresses HUGE thanks to the person who donated the laptop). It was also an opportunity to grow in faith and prayer, as there was no electrical plug and no generator… but there were POWER LINES!!!! Hope was renewed and two of the evangelists used a long pole with a hook on one end and a piece of wire to connect to the power lines while Bethany and I prayed for their safety, and the safety of all the equipment. Praise the Lord, there was no KABLUEEE! (Bethany’s word) and the video was able to play without incident. It was a wonderful opportunity to plant seeds in the hearts of about 40 villagers. Please pray with us that the words they heard would continue to sound in their hearts and minds, that they would be filled with questions about what they saw, and that they would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The HBA evangelists and all the equipment
Tuesday and Wednesday were wonderful days of rest (much needed after two late nights, Sunday Skyping with our church at home and Monday arriving back from the village), study, and play. Nathan (age 6) David’s youngest son, has been home sick this week and so he has been spending a lot of time with us. (He is feeling much better now and will be going back to school tomorrow.) We have had a great time teaching him games, spelling words in English with the Scrabble letters we brought, and just hanging out. He has quite the personality and the more we get to know him, the more we enjoy spending time with him. This goes for Havilash (older son) and Suhasini (David’s wife…also called Bulah) as well. Wednesday evening was the usual gathering of believers and we shared about the joy of the Lord, how it is different from happiness, and why/how to have joy even in difficult circumstances.
“…in Your presence there is fullness of joy…” Ps 16:11