Monday, February 21, 2011

Backs and such things

Praise the Lord! My back felt much better this morning (Monday) when I got up. I'm still sore and stiff and it's going to be tough not to over do it, but thankfully we've got a pretty mellow week ahead.Thank you so much Lord my quick recovery, and thanks for Suhasini, who insisted that I do some stretches last night and to Bethany for making sure that I stayed quiet yesterday and not letting me go stir crazy :) Thank you all for your prayers!

As I spent time in bed yesterday, I was reminded that pain is a good thing. It lets us know when we're hurting ourselves so that we can change our behaviors. This applies to my back and to my spiritual life as well... just thought I'd share with you a few of the meditations of a bedridden missionary in India:)

I'm so glad to be up and moving around again... though slowly

Grace and peace to you all!

1 comment:

  1. HA!!! Our Good God answers again! You are most worthy of praise - and You faithfully teach us in all of our challenges and even in our pain. We love you and we trust Your character, God!

    May Your gospel continue to shine forth in India and May You, Father draw all men unto Your Son!
