Thursday, December 30, 2010

This is a picture of our visas.

Aren't they beautiful? :)

We received them today. Back in October when we first applied for them, we got visas which were only good until mid-April. So after reapplying, we now have visas which are good through June 22, the very day that we fly back.

Thank you so much Lord for preparing the way before us and providing everything we need for this trip!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Talked with my Indian Brother

Yesterday I Skyped (chat via video online) with Pastor David for almost two hours.  Talking with him was so encouraging ;) and I laughed through much of the conversation.  I am really, really going to enjoy being around him for 6-months. 

One thing he told me (in his wonderful Indian accent that I really like): "People will ask you everywhere, 'please pray for me.' You need to be ready to put your hands on anyone and pray for them."  Oh, I can't wait!!!!

But, at the same time, Chelsea and I are cherishing every last moment we have here before we leave. We were shopping yesterday (with coupons!) for some basic essentials we'll need in India. We are really going to miss our fiance/special-friend, families, church family, and close friends.  But, just as we are in the hands of the Lord for the whole time we're in India (thus, do not worry, even if you hear of some rough situation we land in), likewise those remaining in the US are also under the watchful eye of our Lord.

Happy New Year!  What might He bring in your new year?  Trust and Obey...

Monday, December 6, 2010

An Update from Pastor David

Bethany and I received an email from Pastor David last week. He shared with us some of the concerns of his church, amoung them- the father of one of the evangelists died two weeks ago and 3 other believers have gone home to be with God due to sickness.

The monsoons have also been particularly bad this year and there has been some damage to Pastor David's home. He is having to replace the roof on his house as well as do some other work.

the hole in the roof

working on repairing the roof

Please pray with us for him and his church family. Pray for comfort among the believers especially those who have lost a family member. Pray that they would be a testimony to their friends and neighbors as they grieve, not as the unbeliever, but looking forward to the day when they with stand together and worship Jesus Christ again. Please also pray for Pastor David, that the Lord will continue to provide for his needs as he must make unexpected repairs on his home.